Questions & Answers

You can configure questions to collect information from attendees, like T-shirt size or role in their company.

Creating questions

As event organizer, you can create a form that attendees must fill out to get their tickets. For example, to request the role in the company:

  1. Log into the system

  2. In the sidebar menu, select Events and click on the name of your event to open the event management page.

  3. On the sidebar menu, select Questions.

  4. Click the Create Question button.

  5. Introduce “Role in your organization” in the Name input.

    The form edition page

  6. Select “text” in the Type drop-down.

  7. When you are done, click Save

Koliseo supports the following field types:

  • Select to choose from a comma-separated range of values.
  • Text and Text Area for single-line or multiline free text.
  • URL for a URL.
  • E-mail for an e-mail address.
  • Number for an integer number greater or equal to zero.
  • Checkbox for a boolean value.
  • Multiple checkbox for a comma-separated range of boolean values.
  • Date for a date.

Additionally, you can configure the following options:

  • Required to require an answer to this question.

  • Options for questions of type Select or Multiple checkbox, this is the list of possible values separated by commas.

  • Answer Visibility controls who can see the answer to the question. You can choose between:

    • Private to make the answer visible only to the event organizer.
    • Access Control to make the answer visible during the check-in process.
    • Third Parties to make the answer visible to sponsors using the lead generation app.
  • Ticket Classes: The ticket classes that will request this question. By default, this value is set to all ticket classes.

Collecting Answers

When an event includes questions, the ticket purchase flow includes an additional step to fill out the form for each attendee. All required fields must be filled out to complete the ticket purchase.

Collecting Answers

To retrieve the list of answers produced by attendees, download the list of sold tickets and open the downloaded file with a spreadsheet application. The form values are the last columns in the spreadsheet.

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